I never approved CROCS, I mean it is not stylish and too expensive, I won't spend my money on shoes that will make me look like Ronald McDonald and make my feet smelly. I don't even know why people still love this shoes despite it's flaws...
Crocs are ugly and that's a fact. It makes your feet look humongous. The shape of the shoes is inspired by the head of crocodile (crocs = crocodile, get it ?) and crocodile is not a cute reptiles. When I look at people wearing this I immediately thought that they are going to 'pasar' or wet market, it reminds me of people wearing those rubber boots ...
Crocs are expensive and totally not worth the money, I don't even know why the price is so high when the shoes were only made from plastic. It is not a fashion statement and does nothing to improve anyone's style. Because of the price, fake Crocs (which are way cheaper but 90% similar to the real one) emerged. Can get one in pasar malam and no one can tell the difference actually. So when so many people wore it it makes the Crocs less cool to be worn.
"Couldn't agree more"
This fact is based on my own experience hanging out with people that wear crocs whether the real or counterfeit one cause they are both equal in the ability to cause your feet to smell like unwashed clothes. This occur especially to people who sweat a lot and after the rain. All those holes in the crocs usually function as a signal to tell the people around you how smelly your feet is...
Ever saw the 'Crocs' sign on every elevator in new shopping mall? Why not flip flops or sandal, and why Crocs? The reason behind this is because Crocs had caused a lot of accident especially to children. Because of the nature of the shoes, which is rather flexible, the shoes tend to get stuck in the elevator. I'm not lying just Google it to see how many accident had happened in the name of Crocs.
Still considering buying one of these, I don't know but better apply for medical insurance first...