Sunday, July 24, 2011

Clorox or Cocorex

Ugh, finally my mum (noticed that I mentioned my mum twice already, yep, that's cause I'm living with my parents now) realised that 'Cocorex' and 'Clorox' is not the same thing.

For your information Clorox is the famous known bleach and Cocorex is a rip-off of Clorox. Before this my mum will just grab any bottle that shaped like Clorox without even looking at the brand.

"The logo ! The Bottle ! It's freaking similar" 

But I still don't know whether Cocorex and Clorox are under the same distributor here in Malaysia, because if they weren't, why doesn't Cocorex get sued, probably because 80% of the bleach market in Malaysia is held by Clorox (citation needed) and Clorox won't care less about the other brand when Clorox itself is monopolizing the bleach industry.

For your information, the brand Clorox is also a synonym for the word bleach in Malaysia regardless of the brand, we don't call the bleach as bleach or Cocorex or Vanish or peluntur, we called them as simply - Clorox.

Transparent Bathroom Wall

For our future family trip my mum was browsing the web to find places to stay. At first I was suggesting her the 'no star hotel with the 5 star experience' but she flinched when I told her that the bathroom wall will be transparent.


I mean why make it transparent, yeah sure it's sexy when you're with someone 'special' but not a good idea when you're staying with your dad or some cheeky niece with a camera phone.

I won't trade aesthetic with some privacy. Anyway we've decided which hotel we will book and it'll definitely the one with a proper wall.

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