Thursday, October 14, 2010


I wasn't aware of the existence of this phrase until I watch Angelea of America's Next Top Model (Cycle 14) fame...


So what exactly does it mean, I'm not sure about that but according to, the phrase is something that the brother in the hood or something equivalent to that said when they heard someone saying something stupid...

For example;

Benifa : I study like all day all night...
Brother in the hood (or something equivalent to it): Bish Please !

What we can tell from the dialogue above is, that the Miss Thangggg called Benifa is actually a lazy bish and that's why the brother said the phrase Bish Please ! when Benifa told 'em she's been studying. Get it?

Bish please can also be a verb, something that you do if you hear someone say something stupid, nonsense, etc.

Kinda hard to explain how this thing works, I just let this picture conclude it all...

If that's a little bit unclear, hopefully this one will explained it...

Now you know how to do the "Bish Please!" look...


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