Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Facebook 101, less cheesy more classy

I don’t know if there’s any guide on Facebook etiquette out there but I don’t bother find one myself because I have the right guide just for all my fellow Facebook friends.

I will publish Facebook do’s and don'ts every once in a while.So cross your legs and let’s start our class.

Lesson # 1

Ms Doe
” OMG ! I was stalked by this weird guy in my friend list “

Shown above is one example of status update that I often saw on my friend’s wall. This is the kinda status that make you less classy and more cheesy and I’m here to throw away those cheese because too much cheese can be fattening.


add people that you don’t know. how does that weird stalker end up in your friend list unless you add him/her yourself. remember, the more friend you have in Facebook, the less you have in the real world. for your own safety only add those that you know.


set your privacy level to only friends to prevent stranger from looking at your profile unless you want … attention and the last thing you want is for people to call you attention whore.

now you know how to be classier…


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