Saturday, May 29, 2010

Revenge Of The Furries!!!

Recently I've watched another crap from Brendan Fraser, and I really regret spending my RM12 on this movie. It was about a pack of animals trying to get their revenge on the now flabby Mr Brendan Fraser...

"Once upon a time..."
"From fab to flab"
It wasn't about the fact that Brendan F is not as cool as he was yesteryears, but there plot and story line just doesn't work for me and it's as if they were trying too hard to make this movie funny. I'm not a big fan of this type of family comedy. 
One more disturbing fact bout this movie is it's actually a family movie where parents and their innocent kids watch it together, but the scenes where you can see Brendan Fraser running around half naked (in tight and wet white undies) makes you wonder how this movie get past the rating process...

"I'm sure a bear rape scene is included in the upcoming DVD"

Rating: 2 / 5


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