Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waaa... It's been awhile already

It's been a while since I last wrote anything cool here, yes I've updated some stuff but just some random stuff which lack of awesome factor.

Anyway, my final exam has finished and it's a wrap for this semester and next semester will be busy because I have final year project coming. I have some sort of phobia with the lab because I have this nightmare that some random guy might spill acid to me.

And I was kicked out of my hostel for the next semester because they don't think I'm active enough and keeping me in will just be a hassle. Looks like I'm going to stay out of campus next semester.

Just wanna say happy holiday to everyone... see you next semester and keep reading this blog for random awesomeness, there will be a lot to talk about since I am going for my internship this holiday for 8 weeks. Gosh I wonder how it's gonna be???

(c) picture courtesy of scoutbase UK


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